Stefano Mindel

Lives in Rome
Visited countries
Hi everyone! I'm Stefano from Rome. I'm half thai and half italian. When I'm not traveling with WeRoad I enjoy splitting my working life as a owner of tabacco's shop and as a physiotherapista". I'm travelling since i was born, because of my parents in Thailand and at the age of 16 I've started traveling by myself. I love discovering a new place at 360°, it could be a place in the middle of nature or the biggest city of the world. I'm into discovering places and local experiences out the tourism's area that could leave my a sign. Why am I so in love in traveling ? I travel because I love listening people, their stories, their colture. I think the meaning of traveling is "going out" of our confort zone, our schemes and our daily routine.. and this make us grow! Something about me in my travel: I love taking pictures in the most unusual places, I wont be just you coordinatore, I'll be a friend always ready to talk and to listen to you, a friend that you can count on.