Share your best moments as a Travel Coordinator
We're always on the hunt for exciting content!
Here at WeRoad, our trips have always been reported through your eyes!
The most stunning photos from your trips would be greatly appreciated. For our channels, we will select the most exciting images and videos from your trips, as well as the most surprising encounters and breathtaking views!
Follow these simple steps to get started!

Photos: max 50 pics already selected by you
Videos: a total of 5 minutes max
Group photos and selfies/videos
Shots in which WeRoad backpacks, coordinator badge or where t-shirt are visible
Photos and videos of the most exciting local activities of the trip and must-see places
No blurry, dark or very static photos or videos
No heavy edited or artificial photos and videos
The User assigns free of charge to the Owner the right to use, disseminate, reproduce, process, modify, publish, communicate to the public, and transmit - on any analog, electronic, computer, and/or digital media (including by way of example, broadcasting systems over the air, cable, satellite, web, including on social network pages such as, by way of example, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube) - his/her portrait and image contained in the videos and images that may be made on the occasion of the purchased tourist package. The User also: (a) assigns free of charge all rights of any kind and nature existing on such images, necessary for the exploitation for commercial, promotional and advertising purposes of the same; (b) expressly declares that he/she is fully satisfied with and has no claims for any reason or title (e.g., of an economic nature) from the Owner, its assignees and/or assignees in general from anyone who uses and exploits such images; c) guarantees to the Owner the peaceful enjoyment of all the rights assigned under the aforesaid article and indemnifies by undertaking to hold the Owner and/or its assignees harmless as of now from any possible action and/or claim by third parties with regard to the images and their exploitation, assuming all related responsibility and costs at its sole expense. In any case, the Owner will not make use of the images in contexts or in ways that harm the honour, reputation and decorum of the User portrayed and/or filmed.