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Aneta Vizinová

Lives in London
Visited countries
I am a passionate traveller, discovering 7-10 new countries every year. The way I like to travel is by Volunteering which means I can get to do incredible things and get to really know the countries I am in. I spent 10 weeks in Masai Mara (living in a tent with no running water) conducting a research on Lions and Cheetahs and learning about animals and how to survive in the wild from Maasai Warrior's themselves. My latest venture was on an inhabited island off the coast of Seychelles taking part in a critical research within the National Park. We released 7 lemon sharks back to the wild and oversaw 141 baby turtles on their way to the ocean. I have many more exciting stories to tell I am would like to share them with you when you join me on my trip !
March 2025

14 days • 13 nights

Sun, 30 Mar Sat, 12 Apr


Travel coordinator Aneta Vizinová
2.599 € 2.349
Book your spot with a 100 deposit

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